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“Steve has worked here since 04/04/2006 and has developed our anger management programme at the Academy. He has a real gift when working with teenagers and he has used his experiences here to craft a professional and slick programme that has a notable impact on the students – at a recent behaviour review, all the students on the panel had an exclusion on their record in the last year, and all said the programme had helped them avoid other exclusions.

       I’ve worked with Steve for years now and in that time he has struck me as incredibly loyal, hardworking and professional.  He has a clear moral compass and loves working with some of the most difficult students who are often on the wrong path.  At the same time as working hard with these students to help them manage their behaviour, he sees the bigger picture and works well with me when difficult decisions have to be made about continuing to support them within a mainstream setting.”

         There is no such thing as a ‘magic bullet’ when it comes to turning students around.  However, placed within a package of support, we have found the anger management programme an invaluable part of engaging the student (and often the parents) back onto a more positive path where the student feels much more able to manage their behaviour positively.  I would certainly recommend it to other schools.


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Anger Management

This programme helps young people control and explore their anger and negative behaviour

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This programme helps young people increase their sense of self-esteem

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This programme helps young people prepare for the world of work


George McMillan, Principal Harris Academy Greenwich

We have found the anger management programme an invaluable part of engaging the student (and often the parents) back onto a more positive path where the student feels much more able to manage their behaviour positively.

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